Key Facts and Statistics about Male Contraception
Sixty-four percent of couples around the globe used contraception in 2015. Even though men have fewer options than women, contraceptive methods requiring male participation accounted for 16% of contraceptive practice worldwide for women 15-49 years who were married or in-union (see Ross & Hardee, 2017; World Health Organization):
- Vasectomy: 2.4% of women, <1% failure rate
- Male condoms: 7.7% of women, 15% failure rate in typical use
- Withdrawal method: 3.1% of women, 28% failure rate in typical use
- Rhythm method: 2.6% of women, 25% failure rate in typical use
A number of scientifically conducted surveys in the past 15 years have measured the attitudes of men and women about male contraception. The information available to date indicates that:
- Approximately half of men surveyed would be willing to use new male contraceptive methods.
- This figure varies by country and is often related to demographic variables (including the acceptability of using existing contraceptive options).
- Women overwhelmingly respond that they would trust their committed partner to use contraception (an issue primarily for methods that require daily compliance, unlike Vasalgel). In short-term or new relationships, women have the option to continue their own protection.
For details, citations and links, download “Male Contraception Attitudes Surveys and Research” (PDF, 276 KB).
For an authoritative overview of the state of male contraception research, see “Keeping Male Contraceptive Research Front and Center,” CTI Exchange 2016.
Images and Media Files
Vasalgel Animated Video, Animated GIFs, Implant Diagrams, And Infographics
Please credit: Revolution Contraceptives.

Vasalgel animated video in 1080p resolution.
(File available on request)

Vasalgel injection site. Caption: Vasalgel is injected into the vas deferens, the duct that carries sperm.
(High-resolution version available on request)

Vasalgel in the vas. Caption: The Vasalgel polymer forms a soft, flexible barrier to block sperm.
(High-resolution version available on request)

Location of Vasalgel implant in anatomy.
(High-resolution version available on request)

How does Vasalgel work?
(High-resolution version available on request)

Accessing the vas deferens
(File available on request)

Vasalgel injection site in vas deferens
(File available on request)

Filling vas deferens with Vasalgel
(File available on request)

Free flow of sperm after reversal
(File available on request)

Dissolving Vasalgel with fluid to restore sperm passage
(File available on request)

Sperm blocked by Vasalgel
(File available on request)
Vasalgel Lab Sample Photos
Please credit: Revolution Contraceptives.

Lab Sample Photo
Vasalgel on a gray ground.
(High-resolution version available on request)

Lab Sample Photo
Vasalgel on a blue ground.
(High-resolution version available on request)
Vasalgel Marketing Graphics
Please credit: Revolution Contraceptives.

(High-resolution version available on request)

Wordmark and logo
Vasalgel wordmark, Vasalgel tagline, and Revolution Contraceptives logo
(High-resolution version available on request)
Graphics And Photos From Our Partners

WHO Department of Economic and Social Affairs: World Contraceptive Patterns, 2015
(High-resolution version available on request)

Current Options In Male Contraception: Worldwide Usage and Reliability.
(High-resolution version available on request)
Executive And Associate Headshots

Linda Brent, PhD, MBA, Executive Director, Parsemus Foundation
(High-resolution version available on request)

Gary Gamerman, JD, Founder & President, Seraphim Life Sciences Consulting, LLC and Board of Directors, Revolution Contraceptives
(High-resolution version available on request)

Elaine Lissner, Founder, Revolution Contraceptives and Parsemus Foundation
(High-resolution version available on request)
Press Releases
January 24, 2019 — Revolution Contraceptives gets $200K from MCI for Vasalgel development
Media Resources
The following information and resources will be helpful to anyone covering the development of new male contraceptives in general and Vasalgel in particular.
Also, on our Publications page you can access research publications and key publications about male contraception, and on our Vasalgel in the News page you can see key background coverage of Vasalgel.